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Napoleon- The Most Influential Person


In 1796, Napoleon commanded a French army that defeated the larger armies of Austria (one of his country's huge rivals) in a series of battles in Italy. Then in 1797, France and Austria signed the Treaty of Campo Formio which resulted in huge territorial gains for the French. Next, Napoleon led the successful assault and overall reclamation of France. These military promotions for Napoleon led him to a profound legacy and an extreme role in the of the disintegration of monarchies in Europe. .
             Napoleon Bonaparte's long list of achievements support that he is the most influential human of all time. Yet there are several accomplishments that stand out the most. First, Napoleon helped end the French Revolution. After 10 years of violence, socio-economic discrimination, and increasing tensions, Napoleon was able to bring stability to the French nation on all fronts. Next, (in the span of just a few short years), he was able to accomplish what some nations took centuries to achieve. Napoleon completed the re-writing of the legal code (which was then named the Napoleonic Code). After this, and he created the Banque de France in order to restore economic stability, reformed education, and extreme reforms in public works. Lastly, he centralized the governmental systems that are still effective to this day in France and settled the dispute with the Catholic Church which resulted in religious expression.
             Napoleon was a very aggressive emperor that achieved the throne following his achievements in the violent and bloody French Revolution. Napoleon's intentions were simple. He wanted to conquer and gain as much land for France. Furthermore, he sought to establish France as an effective example for the rest of of Europe so they could progress. Next, Napoleon almost viewed everything he did as almost a calling to dominate Europe. Lastly, Napoleon believed in a radical form of nationalism (this is seen in his craving to spread French influence).

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