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Short Story - The Man Who Dwells Among Ghosts


            I had heard of him many times from my friends. They call him by the name "Deveda" which means "ghost" in their native language and this urged me to meet this guy. I met him for the first time in one of my friend house party. About 22 with Dark eyes, long wavy black hair and dark complexioned, he was standing with a cigarette and a glass of drink in his hand. He was popular among his friends, known for his "I don't care attitude" and his daring views towards supernatural "stuffs", at least that's what he referred them whenever he was asked about his thoughts on paranormal activities " Ohh those stuffs never mind". We were introduced and I already started to like his personality. Rumors were there that his apartment was haunted. That a couple of years ago a girl hanged herself in the very room he stays and since then paranormal activities were reported by various tenants t until him, although some of his friends who stayed overnight in his apartment reported many version of their own encounter with paranormal activities but, definitely not him. He is often asked how he manages to stay alone in such sort of place and that too alone. People are scared of things they do not understand. .
             I was very eager to visit his place! Yes! Paranormal "stuffs" that's it and also I needed a topic for my immersive easy, so why not give it a try! Did I made the right choice or did I set the stage for the so called "sprits" to have yet another game? So next morning at around 10:00AM we left for his place which was around 12 km from where we started. We reached there at around 11:10AM considering Bangalore traffic the timing was pretty decent. We parked our bikes in the cold and soundless basement parking lot. Strangely there was no trace of manmade noise in the residential section except the sound of the inverters and the hustling and bustling of the nearby cars on the roads.

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