Former zoning has often led to the opposite result of its goals by making from the least disadvantaged families and difficulties concentrating in the same schools, also, flee by experienced teachers. The announced reform is to concentrate resources on the most socially handicapped, grouped into 1082 priority education networks. As Maurice copied the French ZEP, we could learn from the ongoing reform in France. Moreover, it would take a team of professionals - rather numerous - attached full-time to the Ministry of Education to track daily, starting in kindergarten, the various disorders (auditory, visual, dyslexia, psychological, etc.) in children and fix it.
As said André de Peretti, former director of the Institute for Educational Research in Paris, we must offer several exit doors to pupils in school failure, must not they are "caught like rats» in the system. The professional sector is one of those doors, but it should not be whether devalued in the eyes of students and parents. Above all, we must question the school's purpose: a huge sorting machine or a place of living and learning? I think the school should be like a swimming school whose purpose is that all can swim while not neglecting the future Olympic swimmers!.
This educational reform is also expected to bring along some problems. The nine-year continuous basic education proposed by the ministry is just a mirage that will ultimately favour elitism as it is in our actual educational system. Firstly the CPE will only disappear by name but it will perpetuate, it will change its patronym to take the one of the Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC). The PSAC will consist of two major components: The Core subjects which will be written examinations and the non-core subjects which will consist of an assessment marking made in the standard five and six. The core subject will consist of a written examination at the end of the primary cycle.