A certain role in the development of the situation in this area has played and the position occupied by formally independent (from the USSR), the governments of Eastern European countries. And the beginning of the clash of interests of the USSR and the USA in various parts of the globe, making the prospects of cooperation ghostly superpowers and actually marked the beginning of an era of confrontation. Differences between the former Allies after it was generally uniting them during the war aim, moved to another plane. Defeated was obvious - Germany, but contenders for laurels of winners there were many, the overall victory no one wanted to admit that predetermined the inevitability of clashes, aggravated by the incompatibility of the objectives pursued by the members of the coalition in the new conditions. But not all countries of the camp of the winners were able to conduct this fight, since suffered serious losses in economic terms. Only two countries - the USSR and the United States - has managed not only to maintain but also to strengthen its positions and that between a struggle for dominance in the postwar world, which lasted until the collapse of the Soviet Union.
One result of the war was the US economic leap, predefined and adequate growth of their political ambitions in world politics, what mood prevailed in government circles of America B. Baruch testified saying: "Thanks to the power of its armed forces, its excellence in the field of economy, its resources and moral force, resulting from the American way of life, America is in a position to assert its leadership of the world. " It must be recognized that such an attitude was a real basis. Limited participation in direct hostilities (during the war years the number of American troops did not exceed one million, and the population at that time was approximately 110 million people), and also the most active and significant maintenance of industrial and financial basis of the fight against fascism contributed to the extraordinary growth of economic power of America.