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Should Drugs Be Legal?


            There are several types of people who may come across this pamphlet. One type was brought up with a decent childhood with all critical material needs met, and support for their intellectual and spiritual development. Another type has had to fight for everything they have, often having to flee a destructive family, nothing comes to them without considerable effort on their part. There are many other types who are reading, but we will use these two examples for simplicity. .
             Should drugs be legal? It is most likely that a member of the first group will respond negatively. But people from the second are going to lean toward the opinion that they need drugs to make life better. Who is to argue with them? They have seen such pain that others just won't understand. It has been quite proven that almost any drug caused the premature death of its users. Or has it? These people, for the most part, are going to burn out and die before they are 40. They grow tired of eternal conflict for the next month's rent. They grow frustrated that God has left them behind. These people deserve an escape to the comfortable world that the first group lives in. Who are we to say that it is wrong for the down on their luck to use drugs at random and have sex at random? These people are living the last of their days, and the upright citizen's brigade makes it its duty to ensure that the downtrodden die in the struggle in which they have lived. Meanwhile, there are eight-year olds who are going to die from cancer who apply to a Make-A-Wish program and get a fucking Camaro just before they die. What use is that? It is almost for certain that the boy doesn't even know why he wanted a Camaro except he saw MacGuyver use it on his big-screen TV, and he didn't even know to call it a Camaro when he asked for it. What happens to the car after the ceremony is over? I have no idea .
             There are millions of people who could use an escape from the hell of their existence.

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