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Perspectives on One Parent Families


             Time, money and energy are the biggest hardships for most single parents. Juggling a job and school while fulfilling domestic responsibilities leaves little time and energy for quality time with children. This can lead to a host of emotions that run under the surface, driving the parent into a hopeless feeling from not being able to show up and be the parent they so desire for their children. Some parents may turn to substances to cope with the stress of everyday living which most times serves to take up valuable time and energy. Money is a common concern for many one parent families as well. If I am like most that struggle with finances, daydreaming about having a nanny, and housekeeper becomes a constant fantasy. It is simply hard to be a single parent. It is hard physically, mentally, and emotionally. It can also be easier and preferable for some. .
             I have experienced a great deal of sadness that I am raising my children alone. I have been embarrassed to say I am a single mother and have been asked numerous times about what my husband does. Don't these people see that I do not have a ring on my finger? I have never mentioned a husband, and show up at these places alone sometimes on a weekly basis. I have held silent pity parties for myself, have developed chronic back pain as a result of being the only one to care for my disabled daughter but have also relished in the joy and love that I am doing a remarkable job at raising my children. I have control over how my daughters are raised, which brings satisfaction. Not all single parents prefer to be raising their children alone, as I have come to enjoy. For me the choice (if I actually had one) to involve the father would, in my opinion, bring an additional pile of stress and emotional strife to my plate and I can only imagine how my daughters would be different if that were the case. I think most people can think of a family or two consisting of both parents where just because both are present in the home does not necessarily make it better.

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