Psychological Issues in Trans Individuals and Stigma.
Gender Dysphoria occurs when there is a persistent sense of mismatch between one's experienced gender and assigned gender "Gender Dysphoria." Apple, n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2015. Individuals with Gender Dysphoria often feel confusion, low self-esteem and depression which can sometimes lead to suicidal ideations and suicide attempts. Signs of gender identity disorder in, children may be a young boy who likes to dress as a young girl and may display female mannerisms for a young girl who may reject having female friends, may dress as a male and may also display more masculine characteristics. As a transgender child starts to grow into adulthood, feelings of identifying with the opposite sex become stronger growing more and more concerned with their appearance. Stigma expressed has gender profiling, violence, insults and contribute even more psychological distress to a trans individual. Because trans individuals do not fit the social norms of society they are often shunned and treated negatively and ostracized by those who are not aware of Gender Dysphoria.
Access To Care.
Some may argue that there is a community of transgender individuals that have a very difficult time getting access to the care they and that is the incarcerated trans gender community. In an article I read, Strangio, Chase " Debating 'Gender Identity Disorder' and Justice for Trans People" Huffingtonpost 2 December 2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2015 , Strangio discusses the stigma within the medical staff in the prisons and how because of that stigma, access to care for transgender individuals is often denied. He writes: "For many people, especially trans people of color and low-income and incarcerated trans people, the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder has become a tool to resist medical and other forms of state control. In prison, for example, access to all medical and mental health care is controlled by prison staff and often deliberately denied to individuals who need the care to survive.