People who are scared to face consequences for their actions tend to lie to keep themselves out of trouble.
Another reason why individuals lie is to not disappoint others. People lie to others because they are scared that they have done something that will disappoint others. Maybe someone has done something to a friend behind their back and they lie so they will not disappoint that certain person. For example, my father cheated on my mother with the neighbor next door. He lied about cheating with the neighbor so he did not want to disappoint her. Maybe someone did something really bad so they lie to cover up the truth so they wouldn't disappoint certain people. For instance, in my high school a lot of pretty girls had sent out naked pictures and was exposed on the internet. Some of the girls lied and said it wasn't them or they had no choice but in reality they sent them out themselves. They lied because they didn't want to disappoint their parents or people they hang around with. People tell "white lies" which makes others happy and from hurting their feelings. When people have to give their opinion to a friend but instead of giving their true opinion they lie so they wouldn't hurt their friend feelings. For example, I have a friend that likes to try different styles whether it's clothes, hairstyles, or makeup. She cut all her hair off and put on black lipstick and she asked for my opinion. I lied and told her that I liked it because I did not want to disappoint or hurt her feelings. On the show "The Haves and The Haves Not", a guy name Jeffrey is gay, but pretend to be straight so he wouldn't disappoint his mother. His mother wanted him to live the life she wanted him to live and he didn't want to disappoint her so engaged in sexual activity with a female to make his mother happy. People who are scared that they have done something bad or fear of hurting others feelings tend to lie so they won't disappoint others.