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The Importance of Sex Education


            To teach or not to teach, this should be a simple question. In a civilized society, the ultimate goal of parents, teachers, and leaders should be to create the most educated, intelligent student's possible. When it comes to sex however most people would rather turn a blind eye to the subject. In February of 2013, according to The Guttmacher Institute, they conducted research for advancing sexual and reproductive health worldwide which revealed that by age 19 seven in ten teens have had sexual intercourse. I am here to persuade you that the lack of education is becoming an issues. Today I would like to challenge you to see that the lack of sex education is becoming a serious issue and teens are being misinformed. I'll began by identifying the problem.
             Sex Education might be an awkward subject to speak about with our children's or teens but it's important to discuss. According to Dictionary.com sexual education is any "information given to children and young adults about sexual relationships." There are many problems revolving around the lack of sex education. According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy expressed that 3 in 10 girls in the United States get pregnant by age 20. Having a baby can change a young's teen's life forever. If a young teen chooses abortion, it could have a great psychological effect on the adolescent. According to Europe PMC, "40-45% of women experience anxiety after an abortion and 20% actually experience significant levels of depression. "I have personally taken responsibility of picking up my best friend from an abortion clinic after her surgery. Her eyes were bright red from all the tears she cried and the blank distant look on her face was something I'd never forget. I didn't speak to her for weeks and when I called her, her phone went straight to voicemail. I knew she was depressed, but I wanted to comfort her in the time of need but she wanted to be alone.

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