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Eucharist of the Lord


Our participation in this act is a repeated confirmation of what we declared in our baptism, i.e. our identity in Christ2. I feel that the amazing thing is that all are welcome at the table! I find it very dissatisfying to miss church on any Sunday, but it is more upsetting for me if it is the first Sunday, which is the day that we take communion. When I miss being at the table, it is as though that my day, week and even the whole month is out of sorts. For me it is a very spiritual event for me and I do not take it lightly. To take a part in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of the One Who is the savior of the world is so profound for me. On October 20 while in plenary, Dr. Linda Eastwood asked the questions, "Who is invited to the table and who is the host of the celebration"? According to the World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Paper No. 111, it is Jesus who invites us to the table and it is He who is the host of the celebration3. What I have found to be compelling is the fact that the church in today's society forgotten that Jesus is the true bread, and they seem to believe that there is not enough to go around, however, according to Brueggemann, in the Liturgy of Abundance, the Myth of Scarcity, that the power for the future of the church is not in who believe in scarceness, but it is those who trust in the abundance that God gives4. .
             Q3: What beliefs, assumptions or practices of this sacrament have been confirmed and or challenged for you?.
             I don't really feel that it is a challenge for me, but rather, a wakeup call for me. After listening to the lectures and reading all the material for Eucharist, I have a better understanding of the true meaning of what it really is the church is responsible to follow what the Scriptures are stating on the subject of the Lord's Supper and Holy Communion. We all have to be completely confident in our own thoughts and should be able to be happy with the things we allow, so we do not condemn ourselves.

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