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Islam and the Holy Quran


All of it is original and passed on correctly. The Quran is about what a Muslim's faith and practice should be. It has to deal with various subjects of Muslim's as win wisdom, doctrine, worship, and law. The main important thing in Islam is the relationship between the Gods. The Quran is used in daily prayers but only parts of it as in surahs. The Quran is very important in ones daily life; they look up to it because it deals various subjects that can answer their questions and what they should believe in. It is a big value to them and is used in everything. The word Quran means "recitation" or "reading." Believers memorize most of the Quran or all of it.
             Day of Judgment .
             Muslims believe in this day and No one knows when judgment day will be here but the only one who knows is Allah the almighty. In the Quran it tells us that there are signs of this day and to be aware of them. Some could be that Prophet Jesus son of Mary will return and the sun will rise from the west. On this very big day they will look at the deeds they have done and beliefs during their time in this world. They do believe in the Divine Predestination. .
             Ramadan .
             Ramadan is the month of fasting from sunrise to sunset. This means when they fast that they do not consume any food or beverages from sunrise to sunset. On this month they focus on cleansing the soul and refocusing on God more than originally do. It is not about just fasting, they are just re-evaluating their life and focus more on the religion. It is a month where they get close with family and friends and throw away all the bad things and habits. It is cleaning their lives and strengthens them. Muslims call fasting "Sawm" which means "to refrain" but not to only food or drinks but to the evil actions and thoughts. It is a month of being extremely religious and holy. You may not commit any sins. It is important to give charity on this month and help those in need.

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