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The Causes and Effects of Divorce


42). Families who live from paycheck to paycheck deal with stress from the pressure of making enough money to survive and providing the family with necessities. For instance, if the bills get behind it could start an argument between the two, making things more stressful and overwhelming throughout the household. Built up stress can often lead to violence and an unhealthy relationship. This day in age, a lot of young adults are getting married everyday. It seems as though kids meet in high school and think that they may have found the one that they want to spend their life with without thinking about the big picture. Some "high school sweethearts" do last the rest of their lives, but most couples that marry straight out of high school usually end up in divorce. When young adults get married, they typically do not think about the rest of their lives very seriously. Today's society makes people think that they need another person to be happy, which is not always the case. When getting married at a young age, if the relationship were to end up in divorce, that a lot of times ruins the person's outlook on life and marriage and may not want to participate in it again.
             Premarital childbearing and pregnancy is a huge reason why couples think that they need to get married. Accidents do happen, and some of the time it does not end up well when people marry just for the kids. Staying together for the kids also can be a factor that leads to a divorce. When a couple gets pregnant, they are often times feeling very overwhelmed and shocked or panicked at first. This then leads to the couple rushing into big life decisions, such as marriage. Soon enough, after the marriage is settled, the couple then realizes that they are completely different and will not get along for anything. This would be the time where some couples would try to stay together for the kids, which only proves to worsen the relationship, as it also affects the children.

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