CBD is non- psychoactive because it acts on a different pathway in the brain to the chemical, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), contained in the recreational drug. CBD does not interfere with several psychomotor and psychological functions [ CITATION Dod11 l 3081 ], nor does it cause a 'high' (Leaf Science, 2014). This means that medical cannabis has minimal side effects which is a significant advantage for medicine. Scientific and clinical studies indicate that CBD is effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including: arthritis, Asperger's, diabetes, epilepsy and alcoholism. .
In the recreational form of cannabis, THC is contained in increased levels and is the cause of the 'high' experience by users. According to the World Health Organisation, cannabis is the most prevalent recreational drug worldwide [ CITATION Cam15 l 3081 ]. Only small amounts of THC are contained in the non-psychoactive form of cannabis for medical purposes. This substance performs on different areas of the brain to create a euphoric feeling that stimulates the user's appetite and enhances certain sensations such as smell, taste and temperature [CITATION Pet15 l 3081 ]. All forms of cannabis, CBD and THC is currently illegal in Australia. However, other countries have maintained the legal status of THC cannabis while allowing CBD cannabis to be legal for medical purposes. The legal status of CBD varies in multiple countries including The United States of America (USA), Italy and Spain. Since 2003, California, USA, has classified CBD cannabis as a controlled substance. The law makes it legal for patients and their designated primary caregivers to possess and cultivate cannabis for their personal medical use given the recommendation or approval of a California- licensed physician[ CITATION Can13 l 3081 ]. Numerous clinical trials in the USA have indicated that medical cannabis increases appetite and reduces chemotherapy-related nausea.