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Family in The One Day of the Year


Seymour consistently distinguishes Hughie and Alf as an alternative representation of a father-son relationship in relation to the expected perspectives of the 1950's in Australia.
             Furthermore, the blatant contrast in intellect between Hughie and his father, Alf, results in the representation of an alternative father figure that deviates from the traditional. The father, as dictated by traditional expectations, is accepted as the dominant and supervisory figure in the family space. However, Alf, deprived of an education, becomes oppressed and overwhelmed in the revolutionising temporal and physical setting of the 1950's Australia. "[To Hughie] 'what does that mean?' 'It means we're beginning to grow up - as a nation. We're not so isolated any more. The Europeans here – dozens of different nationalities – they're giving us something new –. '" The use of stage directions and dialogue reveal the represented, contradictory fatherly role Alf assumes. Hughie, a university student, acquires an intellectual dominance over his father and in doing so challenges the notion of authoritarian parents. This significant educational difference is a focal point in the son and father relationship Seymour represents. Alf, lacking an educational background, is portrayed as a subjugated character and resultantly, relies on his son, "Mr Bloody Brains Trust" to provide for him. .
             In addition to Alf's conventionally contradictory fatherly role, Hughie does not assume the traditional role of the son. The educational differences studied in The One Day of the Year reverse stereotypical family dynamics. Hughie, being the only son of Alf and Dot, is expected to be somewhat constrained and oppressed as dictated by conventional family ideals. However, his obsolete parents lack the educational background that appears to define him, and consequently he gains an intellectual dominance over them.

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