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Tenure - Another Education Argument


Teachers' ideas and theories could cost them their job. Tenure helps, "By limiting the ability of the university to fire or otherwise take adverse actions against faculty members, tenure provides protection for faculty members to teach and write as they choose," (Chemerinsky 1998 p638).
             Some argue that the lack of occupation security could weaken the loyal one has for the institute. Tenure takes away the assurance that a teacher will have a job for life. Without Tenure teachers could be terminated without proper cause. Without the assurance people argue that teachers will no longer have loyalty to institutions and therefore put institutions at risk. "If we dropped tenure and adopted some other system where local politics and personalities might creep in, we would have a group of frustrated teachers and our whole educational system would suffer the consequences," (Hipp 1972 p19). There are numbers of cases where teachers not covered with tenure have been fired with no cause at all. "my able 50-year old superintendent with six children to support was informed three weeks before Labor Day that he would not be employed again by that small school district," (Hipp 1972 p19). Tenure serves as a form of incentive for educators and without it there is a fear that teachers will no longer have loyalty to educating facilities. Without the loyal to a university educators will constantly be worried about their position constantly seeking new employment. Since schools unlike other employment facilities take time off it raises the question of whether the university or school will constantly have to hire different teachers during each break. This validates teachers fear that they will at any period in their career be replaced. Frederick Hipp recalls, "In 1935, boards of education in two small school .
             districts in that state fired everybody - from the superintendent to the janitor - even though some staff members had been with them for many, many years," (Hipp 1972 p19).

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