Rather, it keeps it alive in order to build bridges to English." (1). One language does not have to be sacrificed in order to acquire a new language. Both languages (original and new) can be seen as complementary and not as substitutes for one another, therefore creating a stronger bond between languages. Also arguing against the immersion method, which Richard Rodriguez is in favor of, Dorfman states that, "The immersion methodwants youngsters to cut their ties to the syllables of their past culture. Both methods can work. I should know. I have endured them both. But my experience was unquestionably better with bilingual education." ("If Only" 1). Recognizing the importance of remaining connected with one's culture, the immersion method seems rather futile as a method of education for foreign language speaking children, as it results in the removal of their original culture. Ariel Dorfman makes a strong case for Americans to accept bilingual education and the benefits it can offer, as he became a prolific writer in both Spanish and English as a result of his personal experience with bilingual education. Dorfman, "in addition to being a noted critic and scholarhis books have been translated into more than thirty languages." (World Authors) .
Richard Rodriguez is a Mexican American Author who also struggled with bilingualism during his early life. However, in contrast to Ariel Dorfman, Rodriguez is completely against bilingual education. Richard Rodriguez argues that there is no place in American Education for bilingualism. Rodriguez also argues that bilingual education is detrimental to American society because being able to speak the family's language, which he believed was a "private language", reinforces the feeling of "separateness" from the larger public. He believes that the feeling of disconnectedness bilingual education creates between foreign language speakers and American society delays the formation of a public identity.