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Man in the Modern Age


This was a bitter reality but sadly it was the truth. Take a look at your own time schedule. Do you spend time with your family on daily basis or not?.
             Explaining the cultures and norms along with moral values of man of machine age, I would like to start with saying that Man of machine age was himself a machine. Busy in everyday routine just like a robot, I will say that every person of this age was in busy waiting mode, as we use the word for a process, which was busy in waiting for its turn to execute, in an operating system. The thing was we don't realize what were we doing and for what purpose and for whom we were doing this. Norms and cultural values of man of machine age were absent like they were never present there. A meeting was worth millions of dollars while the mother was dying on her bed and he doesn't even think about it for a second.
             The main theme and game was all about the money in this machine age. With the new inventions in every field of life, man has himself become a machine. Development in different areas of life and innovations of this age were mentioned in the details below:.
             With the inventions in engineering sector, we had created millions of devices which were capable of doing all kind of work form writing to wash washing and from speaking to washing clothes and heating the whole buildings. This has further created more opportunities for young minds to develop for the collective benefit of human kind. Engineering whether it was civil, mechanical or electrical, it has redesigned the lives. Today one cannot even think of living without a cell phone. It has become a necessity for life. One who lived in 18th century would never had thought that they would be able to communicate with someone sitting thousands of miles away, but thanks to engineering now one can even see the other person sitting in his own room.
             Shaping and designing stable and beautiful structures e.

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