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Charlemagne - A Great Leader


Charles ultimately became known as Carolus Magnus, which then translates to Charlemagne ("Charlemagne" 1). Charlemagne was a very religious man. Throughout his reign, he accented solely the principles of Christianity. He even announced that he wanted to model King David from the bible ("Charlemagne" 1). During Charlemagne's conquest, he sent missionaries to different parts of his empire to convert them to Christianity. However, there is one point when his people cry out in dislike because of this action. When the long and hard Saxon War was over, Charlemagne took great measures to get the Saxons to be Christians ("Charlemagne" 4). .
             Charlemagne was a great conquestor. Throughout his many wars, he expanded his empire to an incredible size. Surely he was blinded by the greed of land or power, but he most definitely tried to take care of his people. For example, he established many laws that were both good and bad. Though Charlemagne was a great king, he enforced high taxes upon his people to make up for his missionary work and buildings of the church in several places ("Capitulary of Charlemagne" 1). All payments of taxes were due to fisc or state ("Capitulary of Diedenhofen" 1). Although Charlemagne established laws that citizens might hate, there were some .
             laws that were good. Charlemagne announced that there be no bias against the poor and that everyone live under the precept of God ("Capitulary of Charlemagne" 1). Living under the precept of God meant that one must live knowing that God was watching them and their actions. In other words, Charlemagne wanted everyone to be accountable of themselves, knowing that a greater power exists, and that the greater power was watching them to diagnose punishment or reward on Judgement Day. In Christianity, Judgement Day is the day God decides whether one would go to heaven or hell. Charlemagne also announced that orphans, widows, and strangers receive special protection ("Capitulary of Charlemagne" 1).

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