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The Legalization of Prostitution


             Beer girls: girls who sale alcohol in bars.
             Massage parlor: massage place where sex could be involved.
             Individual arrangement (having sex for a reward or to pay a debt).
             Single or divorce women who exchange sex for gift, and travelling entertainment.
             Swinger club: couples who exchange partner in the club.
             Geisha: women hired as a companion but sex may be involved.
             Sex for drugs: people who perform sexual activities in exchange of drugs, they are usually addicted.
             Most of these forms of direct or in direct forms of prostitution are being practiced in most countries, in illegal or legal forms. In USA, prostitution is illegal in all states with the exception of Nevada where brothel are allowed to operate in specifics areas. Legalization of prostitution in all states will allow the implementation o the civil rights. Under the first amendment, human's right should not be transgressed. And prostitution is usually practice between consenting adults. So many laws have tried to abolish prostitution without success. If a grown up male or female wants to use sexual skills in exchange money or any form of gift it is his/her right to do so. Prostitution is a job like any other and its workers deserve the same treatment, the same right and the same protection that workers in other field deserve. The purpose of sexual activities between two grown up should not be a public concern, it is confidential. That is the reason why The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stated that "prostitution laws are also a violation of the right of individual privacy because they impose penal sanctions for the private sexual conduct of consenting adults."(ACLU, 2007).
             Questions about motivations to engage into sexual activities for a reward has long been a concern form scholar to congress to pastors to public. People wander and constantly ask their selves questions upon question to better understand the motivation of prostitution.

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