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Nursing and Therapeutic Communications


Humor allows us to shift our perception of seemingly helpless situations and makes them seem more manageable. In the end, it allows our perspective to focus on the big picture rather than just the current situation. Finally, the laughter humor can bring contributes to feelings of togetherness, friendliness, and closeness between anyone, which is why laughter has been often proclaimed as being the best medicine.
             Sharing feelings is vital in therapy, as it allows the client an outlet to vent their frustrations and anger in a positive, non-judgmental environment. Nurses can aid them in expressing feelings by sharing observations, acknowledging the feelings are there and real, encouraging the communication of feelings, give them permission to share their feelings, negative or positive, by actively listening without judgment, and in return modeling healthy emotional self-expression.
             Touch is another good communication tool, something that most patients can understand. One of the things to be careful with using this practice, is being aware of cultural limitations regarding touch. Touch is something people often crave, something experienced at the earliest stages of life, and is a continual practice in life and nursing. For a nurse, touch is a means of conveying affection, emotional support, encouragement, tenderness, and personal feelings. This skill aids the elderly, letting them know they are not alone, that somebody cares about them and their situation. Children need touch to aid the fear a hospital visit can bring, sometimes not being able to have their family nearby. The simple contact can help a patient deal with emotional and physical loss, and can encourage clients to express grief about their current situation.
             Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all, as silence is golden. Silence is useful in any number of situations. After talking to a patient about a particularly heavy topic, or even when relaying patient education, silence affords a client time to take in what they learned, integrate it, and apply it to their situation, while giving them the chance to express their feedback on what they heard.

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