Our representatives in Congress decided that a complete ban on assault weapons was impractical and unconstitutional. The founders envisioned an America where the people would have the right to own guns. Anticipating the possibility that an increasingly centralized and aggressive government might seek to restrict or abolish that right, they included the right in our Constitution. Unfortunately, we may soon lose our Second Amendment rights as historical wisdom and judgment fall prey to political expediency and overreaction. .
Gun control proponents have adopted a misguided view that compiling a list of all gun owners in a certain area, a process which is commonly known as gun registration, will help reduce the crime that takes place in that region. Unfortunately, while it sounds reasonable on the surface, gun registration is actually a malicious program that can be used to track or confiscate firearms. Take Rockland County, New York for example. Journal News, a local newspaper, accessed public records to obtain the name and address of every handgun owner in the county. They then proceeded to post this information on their website for the entire world to see (Kopel 1). Ordinary law abiding citizens may have no interest in or need for this information, but criminals surely will. Burglars generally tend to break into homes owned by citizens who don't carry guns. If the residents of the home don't own guns, then the thief is in virtually no danger if he is discovered. A map showing the homes of all gun owners would be very useful, because now the burglar knows exactly which homes to break into. Let's look at this a different way. What if the burglar actually wants to steal a gun? With gun registration maps online for the entire world to see, this can be accomplished easily. The local news has found the thief's target for him, and has published it on the internet. A burglar can now log on to his or her computer, and pick the exact home he would like to rob a firearm from.