This overmedication of students interferes with their proper socialization. By quickly medicating individuals, it teaches them that they have something wrong with them and the only way to fix it is with a pill. .
In today's culture the performance of students in the United States is judged based on the same criteria that the previous generation was judged. This provides an inaccurate reflection of current students academic intelligence because the standard for education has been dramatically raised, and is not intergenerational. The number of distractions that students face has increased exponentially, in comparison to what their were parents were faced with. This is a result not only of the vast advancements in technology (iPhone, laptops, gaming systems.etc) but also of the pressing need to create the "well-rounded" individual. Being a student is no longer a single role. Now, there are numerous entities that are incorporated into this complex role. A student is now ordered to, first and foremost, perform well in the classroom. Next, they are expected to be actively involved in numerous organizations and possess leadership positions in these organizations. On top of all of this, students are encouraged to actively participate in service activities and programs that allow them to gain career experience. .
These impossible standards begin in high school and continue throughout college. Once in high school they are told that if they participate in all of these activities then they will appear to colleges as "well-rounded". In order to get into a selective college, one needs to have an outstanding grade point average (G.P.A.) and be "well-rounded". Once someone has been accepted and decides to attend a college or university it is critical that they maintain a high G.P.A. and being an active member in a variety of organizations in order to be a competitive applicant in the job market.