2014). While job characteristics such as increasing workload with lack of support from managers and organization can impact the employees' mental health (Schulz et al. 2011).
Moreover, increased workloads and demands concern less job satisfaction which lead to absenteeism as the staff were observed as being stressful and disruptive (Dawson et al. 2014). This extreme workload demands among nurses initially result to complaints of stress, exhausted, back body pain and an avoidance behaviour that lead to exhaustion, counter--production and in long term would lead to sickness (Roelen et al. 2014) . Resources via all levels such as continuous professional learning, holistic support, job control, real--time feedback, and work variety are completely associated with work engagement (Sortheix et al. 2013). Various work features can facilitate employees' mental health and well--being (Bakker & Sanz--Vergel 2013). To achieve in having a healthy psychological well being, jobs need to have more than just the absence of negative characteristics. Protective factors include work variety, goal--oriented purpose, job control, constructive feedback and good connection with others (Hakanen, Perhoniemi & Toppinen--Tanner 2008). Nurses that are regularly exposed to trauma may be highly prone to mental health issues. However while post--traumatic symptoms are usual, generally of nurses will not have a mental condition (Harvey et al. 2014).
On the group perspective, a give--and--take relationship between employees and employers leads to an interchange of work--related resources, evidence--based knowledge, quality time and emotional support, in turn minimizing stress, issues and burden (Brunetto et al. 2013). This is portrayed by voluntary openness, mutual trust and well--designed work task (Brunetto et al. 2013). .
Having their own demands, nurses should be catered genuinely by the management due to the reason that they are prone to role conflicts, job dissatisfaction, workload burnout, counter-- productivity, and poor performance (AbuAlRub, Gharaibeh & Bashayreh 2012).