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College Scholarship Essay


            Hello my name is _____________ and I am a sophomore at Kennedy King College. I spent my freshman year at Baltimore City Community College. While attending Baltimore City Community College, I had a lot on my plate. I was on the Women's basketball team, we had practice from 3:00pm till 6:00pm and some days even longer if we had a bad game the day before. I am proud to say that the Lady Panthers of Baltimore City Community College won the 2013-14 Maryland JUCO State Championship. I also worked in the Office of Student Life, where I had to file paper work answer phone calls and other duties that could have prevented me from studying. Last but not least, I was the Secretary for the Student Government Association (SGA). My duties for that were to attend all meetings including ones with the President. During these meetings I would have to take notes and minutes, at times this would take up to two or three hours and could also cut into my class time. Luckily I keep in contact with all my Professors which helped me keep an 3.2 cumulative GPA.
             Now transferring to Kennedy King College I don't know what to expect from my teachers and how my schedule will work that I will be playing Women's basketball again but for the Lady Statesmen. This time around to help me become a better student, I've come to the conclusion that if I want to become a part of Phi Theta Kappa (Honors Society) I will have to take away some of the things I love but I am willing to do so. When first applying for Kennedy King the first sign I saw was for the SGA office and right then I want to be a part of it. Then I told myself that its time that I focus more on what is best for me and my academic success. As far as working, if I do decide that I have enough time to work then it cannot interfere with my studies or basketball because that's already a lot on my plate. If athletics has a work study program more than likely I will work for athletics because they can work around my schedule since I will have night game and practices which times will vary.

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