4). Therefore, to prevent this severe problem, public transportation must be introduced in Cambodia. The fewer the vehicles on the road, the less likeliness of climate change. As can be seen in the past few years, Cambodia has suffered many such bad weathers as flooding and drought that were the key contributors to poor crop yields, causing the majorities of farmers to lose the profits of their productions due to erratic rainfall. According to one of the farmers in Banteay Meanchey province whose name was Prak Savay told the Phnom Penh Post that the flood of last year's rainy season cost him his entire rice paddy after the downpour, forcing him to sell what remained for $250 out of his investment of $500 (Wight, 2014).
In addition to the prevention of climate change, promoting public use of transportation can help Cambodian citizens avoid health problems. It is an undeniable fact that the emission of exhaust fumes from automobiles can pollute the environment. Let alone the human health. People need to breathe oxygen every day in order to survive. Since Cambodia is a developing country, its citizens still use rusty old cars that generate much smoke in the air. If Cambodia is covered in poor air quality the air filled with carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other contaminants, people, according to Environment and Human Health, Inc., (EHHI), as the whole nation are more likely to suffer from many diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes (EHHI, 2006).Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, alone in 2008 consisted of roughly 2.2 million of Cambodian citizens out of 14.8 million in total (Wikipedia, 2015). As Wilson (2013) writes in The Cambodia Daily that in Cambodia there was an estimation of 1.8 million registered vehicles 300,000 are cars, and the rest are largely motorcycles and trucks.