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Factors Affecting Homesickness


One's identity is important to withhold as transition gives new leeway to a new sense of freedom. One has to discipline themselves to work timely and to carefully schedule how they delegate their time to their chosen courses. This invokes a sense of responsibility, a skill the individual can take into the 'real world' after graduating. Leisure time is a consistent issue, within an inexperienced scholar's life. In university leisure time comes in abundance, this time should be used to study and focus on building healthy social relationships. Use this time to also comitting to the university and engaging to certaiin extra mural activities, this usually increases one's sense of belonging and is highly motivational (Osterman, 2000).
             Social adjustment is important for first year students. This deals with how one reacts to different social parts of the university. The presence of mentors and friends in residences ans social support plays an integral role in ensuring the students make a smooth transition into university. This is also a tool that helps one to adjust to life at university, making them feel as if they have somebody they can confide in with matters concerning school. In this regard students don't feel as though they are on their own. This ensures the emotional and personal well-being of the student allowing them to feel more committed to the university. Although first year students do make social relationships, this does not prevent them from feeling lonely and homesickness which is usually a result of not adjusting well to university life ( Curtona, 2007 ; Rice, 2009). It all depend on the quality of the relationships as with social relationships comes peer pressure. Socialising can be increased by giving students group assignments. Homesickness, distress caused by being away from home for a long period of time is also a factor which negatively influences adjustment to university ( Thurber & Walton, 2012) .

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