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An Overview of Cloning


The pattern that history shows us it that when a group is being treated unfairly an outcry occurs. Moreover, the clones will also one day rise up and have their own demands as well. Just as we have laws to protect the environment and animals, the clones are still living organisms that will want laws for their own protection.
             The media continuously displays the fact that the clones are less than human beings in every aspect. Even the word clone becomes a stigma that is far worse than the term criminal. The films that mention the law against cloning also states one of the main conflicts regarding as to why it is because there are such high failure rates in cloning that makes it inhumane to even attempt to clone (The Sixth Day 2000). There are always complications before, during, and after.
             pregnancy if that is the route they chose to pursue. Even twins do not always come out perfectly the identical and will end up with completely different personalities. In the end, no one can predict how a clone will turn out (Multiplicity 1996). Furthermore, cloning becomes a way to get parts on the black market. They become more like objects or a car in a chop shop. The solution is to make a clone as the new way of health insurance, so if and when the time came that they would need to replace a liver, lung, kidney etc. one would be available to them. An organ with the same blood type, same body mass, and the best part is having no strings attached. As they said in The Island, "just because people want to eat a burger, doesn't mean they want to meet the cow.".
             Because we naturally place high values on human life, cloning itself denies the sanctity of human life reducing our existence to mere objects. The most important question asked throughout the films was "Are we playing God?" Other important questions that followed were: Who would be in charge? Who would attempt to take God's place as the creator of humankind? Not everyone is willing to turn his or her life over to one person.

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