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Business Forecasting and Territories


             I believe that Joe lacks abilities and preparation. From what I read in this scenario, Joe did not follow the eight steps of the selling process. Spiro (2007) states that there are eight steps that includes: prospecting, pre-approach, approach, need evaluations, presentation, meeting objections, gaining commitment, and follow-up. If Joe would have been well prepared and trained, he would have research his client's needs and been able to leverage on the opportunity by addressing why the product is a need and how it will benefit them. He could have also been able to meet any doubts and close the deal. Joe's manager was trying to help him during the meeting but I am sure that there are some things that his manager could have done in a different way. His manager tried to do what he assumed it was best at that moment of the meeting but coaching is not the same as mentoring, training, or coaching. Old-school managers focus on telling their people what to do and telling people what to do is not coaching. In life, people don't like to be told what to do, but rather, prefer to be involved, being empowered and helped. Coaching implicates improving job performances. It puts emphasis on the development improvement of the person, which is a much better approach than telling them what to do. Before the meeting, Joe's manager should have also made sure of Joe's work before the meeting, made a plan that included the eight steps of the selling process, and developed an action plan that should have taking into consideration Joe's weaknesses. It is important for him to let Joe recognize what he did and is doing wrong therefore he will be able to work on it and change to improve. .
             Management is supposed to guide and be aware of their people's performance because at the end its also part of theirs. If he would have taken the precautions mentioned above, the manager would have proceeded in a different way in the meeting.

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