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A Review of The Hunger Games


Katniss has some time to say goodbye to her family and friends, and is whisked away to the train which will take her, Peeta, their mentor Haymitch and their host/escort Effie Trinket, straight to the Capitol. Collins drives the readers from poor simplistic District 12, to the modern and technology oriented Capitol where another new character is introduced; a young stylist named Cinna assigned for District 12 tributes. In Cinna's character, we see genuine care and intellect – the opposite of the stereotypical view of the Capitols. He thinks outside the box and designs Katniss and Peeta's entrance with so much originality that they drive the crowds mad. They are both dressed in black body suits and with a click of a button artificial fire flames ignite. Katniss becomes known as the 'girl on fire' as she moves across the crowd in District 12's chariot. It's extremely important that the tributes make a strong impression on the audience of the Capitol because during the games, rich Capitol citizens could sponsor a tribute and provide them with items that they might need to survive. .
             To prepare the tributes, victors from their districts act as mentors, providing them with the training they need and giving them advise. Haymitch, District 12's only victor, to Katniss and Peeta's bad fortune, is an unpleasant alcoholic. After the opening ceremonies have been concluded they try to get Haymitch to take them seriously, knowing he is their only chance once they are in the arena. Finally Haymitch decides to sober up and gives them advice. He advises them to prioritize finding water as soon as they can, and to run from the Cornucopia, the horns at the center with weapons and food as it is used to draw tributes in for a bloodbath. Next, the tributes of all the districts sit through interviews with a TV host so that the Capitol can get to know them better and decide whom to sponsor. During the interviews, Peeta Mellark boldly confesses his love for Katniss, making the two seem like star-crossed lovers, forced to make one another the enemy.

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