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Gays and the Right to Adopt


Also what they don't take into effect is the genetic factor based on the biological parents. Like they state in the article Gender-Typed Play Behavior in Early Childhood " for instance, found that genetic factors accounted for 20-48% of the variance in children's masculinity and femininity" (pg 504). Looking at the fact adoption shouldn't be this hard for same-sex couples in the US. .
             If all the states in the United States would allow adoption then the number of kids in foster care would go down. When children get put up for adoption they are placed in foster care till someone comes along and are able to adopt them. Not only is gay adoption illegal in over 6 states it is also very hard for them to adopt in other states. In the article Gay and Lesbian Adoption it states that "Some socially conservative states have laws banning gay and lesbian adoption outright, while other states ban adoption by gay and lesbian individuals indirectly by allowing adoptions only by legally married couples" (pg 1). So even if same-sex adoption was allowed in some states they most likely still wouldn't be able to adopt. Or if they were able to adopt but only one parent was allowed and if something happened to that parent the kids would get put right back in the foster care system or a family member would have to take over, because the other parent has no rights to the child. If the federal government would just take over and make it legal for all the states to have same-sex adoption then kids in the foster care system wouldn't be there that long and there wouldn't be so many different ways of taking people to court or not to make same-sex adoption legal. Also in the article Do ask, Do tell it states that "gay adoption is not technically illegal, but the law is phrased so that child-placement agencies may discriminate based on relious or moral objection" (pg 4). It would make the process a lot easier on the state who are taking care of it and the couples.

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