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Living with Crohn's Disease


             With the disease came many social stigmas because it is a part of the body people don't want to discuss as well as the symptoms of bloody stools and weight loss. Jackie experienced a loss of weight of thirty pounds in just six months. Her classmates began wondering if she was becoming anorexic or was bulimic. This was just some of the embarrassment she felt because of her disease. It made it hard for her to date or to trust others with such a personal kind of condition. The emotional impact on her life and her family has been immense as Jackie has also been hospitalized for a partial bowel resection of around 2 feet. She has continued concerns of how she will be able to hold a job as employers may not understand when she has a flair up and need to be off work for any length of time. This continued sense of loss of freedom to eat what she wants and the potential sense of body disfigurement if she we to have further surgeries and the possible requirement of a total colectomy with an ileostomy pouch. The added loss of intimacy if she did require an ostomy would put even more strain on a potential physical relationship. .
             Jackie had to experiment to find certain food combinations work best for her to avoid flair ups. With help from a nutritionist Jackie learned that avoiding foods containing seeds and high fiber foods as well as avoiding spicy foods. With diligent diet changes that include lean, high protein meats and eating plenty of vegetables for additional vitamins and minerals. The inclusion of fish and fish oil to increase the intake of Omega 3 has shown to improve symptoms. The inclusion of a regular exercise program is very important to the wellbeing of crohn's patients. Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding cigarette smoking is a must. .
             As there is no cure for crohn's disease; therefore goal of patients is to avoid repeated flare ups, which can lead to increased damage to the bowel leading to surgical intervention.

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