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People for the American Way


            People for the American Way is a non-profit organization that advocates the rights of the American citizen in terms of political democracy, as well as economic freedom. Also known by their initials PFAW, in 1981 one Norman Lear found the group, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and other business, civil rights, religious and civic leaders (Our Mission and Vision 25). The founder Norman formed the group due to what he called divisive rhetoric from other televangelists. He felt that they were dividing Americans on numerous issues, and he felt he had to do something about it. It is summed up in their vision statement which argues that the group is about promoting a vibrant, diverse democratic society that every American is considered an equal partner. Equality in law, opportunities and participation on national issues is their target. They continue to argue that their vision is to ensure that America respects diversity, able to nature and promote creativity, as well as combat hatred and narrow-mindedness (People for the American Way 63).
             Being an advocacy group their mission is to "promote the American way" the best way possible. By this, they mean that their mission is to ensure that the promise Americans were given are fulfilled in the right way. Some of the promises they talk about includes, equality, freedom of speech, religious freedom, right to justices, right to vote the right way. They argue it is the American way, and nobody should take it away from Americans (People for the American Way 65). Other mission that PFAW has passionately fought for includes judicial nominations, separation of church and state, school class size. Others include voting right for D.C in U.S. Congress, right for lesbians and gay population as well as civic participation in national issues (People for the American Way 69). They continue to assert that their operational mission is to ensure that the American Way is protected.

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