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Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility


For instance, corporate social responsibility is defined by the commission for the European communities (2001) as, "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in the business operations and in their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis." Correspondingly, Boyd et al, (2007) simply defined corporate social responsibility as, "general sense reflects obligations to society and stakeholders within societies impacted by the firm". To conclude, we can say that corporate social responsibility is a concept where a corporation obligates to improve the society through various business practices and contributions of professional resources. .
             Growing Importance of CSR.
             The importance of corporate social responsibility is excessive in today's business and social areas. The different research conceded by various groups on the issue of the concept of CSR has given a positive attitude and awareness of society towards the concern. This is due to the concentration of corporations in improving and management of the business sector. Through the concept of corporate social responsibility, corporations have considerably changed their behaviours and engaged in additional creditable social practices. For example, the issue of pollution to the environment has been proficiently countered.
             Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility.
             According to Gray et al. (1996) & Deegan, (2002), there are a figure of theories that have been developed regarding the corporate social responsivities. The theory of stakeholder and theory of legitimacy explains the reasons behind organizations engaged in corporate social responsibilities. These two theories have been emerged after the broader political economy theory (Gray et al. 1996; Deegan, 2002).
             Political Economy Theory.
             Gray, Owen &Adams; (1996) have defined political economy as the 'the social and economic framework within which human life takes place'.

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