The story is centered on the relationship of the nameless father and son traveling and surviving this inhumane world. "The backstory of Mr. McCarthy's novel is deeply personal, springing from his relationship with his 11-year-old son, John, whom he had with his third wife, Jennifer" (Miller 1). The fact the McCarthy's story is centered on a similar relationship as his and his son demonstrates how "The Road" incorporates the writer's life within the story plot. "As death bears down in "The Road," the main character obsessively protects his son and prepares him to carry on alone: "He knew only that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God, God never spoke" (Miller 1). Because McCarthy has had so many poor marriages, he felt that his son was the one thing that was that was good that came out of his relationships. In this perspective, the relationship of the characters reflects how McCarthy views his son. In "The Road", Cormac McCarthy also exhibits his perspective of the nature of mankind.
The father has no mercy or pity for the other people he encounters when they are traveling to the South. When the main character and his son come across a stranger in need, he refuses to help them. This is when the father and son reach the coast; a stranger steals a few of their supplies they go and look for the thief. Once found, they retrieve all their items. Even though they have retrieved all their items, the father demands the thief strip all his clothing. Giving the stranger less a chance of survival and showing no mercy. The boy pleaded to his father to not take all he had but the father refused, "I don't think he should have anything" (McCarthy 149). Another incident of the father showing a lack of empathy is when they encounter a man on the brink of death. This man could be saved but the father decided to turn his head the other way.