They speak in class with answers, comments relative to the class discussion, or ask the instructor questions that many others might have. They turn in all of their homework or classwork, that looks neat and sharp. They are extremely attentive in class, as in minimal talking, reading, or staring into space. They might even go out of their way to meet with the instructor to talk about grades or just to have a meaningful conversation.
The third energy field is recognizing and using the power of words. Words have a significant role in the way that we use them. We use them to communicate to one another, but the way that we use them can be very important to our success. Reading, writing, and hearing words are the main way to program something into one's mind. When something is said, the subconscious will accept it with some programming. The mind begins to light up when something is said because the subconscious is a great machine that can achieve many things with some programming. The observer effect is also another part of being successful. The observer effect says that when you observe something, you are actually changing it, because energy changes things.
The fourth energy field that successful people have in common is having super definitive goals. Goals can be extremely vital when it comes to wanting to get something done in life. Goals must have five qualities if they are truly motivating, DAPPS: Dated, Achievable, Personal, Positive, and Specific. Motivating goals definitely have detailed deadlines because without one, it may get put off for a lifetime, without ever being reached. Motivating goals must be challenging, but also realistic. These goals are meant to be your goals, not anybody else's. One must be able to trust that they know better than anyone else what they desire. Motivating goals focus the energy on what one wants rather than on what they don't want. Translating negative goals into a positive goal is very important to the success of people and keeping the self-esteem up.