It was very easy for Apartheid to take place after World War II and the Great Depression. "Racial discrimination was institutionalized with the enactment of Apartheid laws in 1948." After Apartheid began, many illegal laws were passed to separate whites from nonwhites.
Disparity between the races was caused by political corruption in South Africa when Apartheid started. In 1948 the Afrikaner National party gained control and Apartheid began. The National Party was made up of whites who were dedicated to white supremacy. They began passing many laws that divided whites from nonwhites. By 1950 Apartheid itself had become the law in South Africa. Marriage laws were passed that made it illegal for whites and nonwhites to get married. It was also a crime to have sexual relations between whites and nonwhites. Many land laws had also been passed that gave more than 80% of land to the white minority. Separate public facilities of whites and nonwhites were established by the government. "Pass Laws" were also established which made it necessary for whites to carry identification to authorize their presence in restricted areas.
Economic misery was a major cause of apartheid in South Africa during the 20th century. "The political and legal system of Apartheid in South Africa enforced a regime of racial oppression and segregation"(Apartheid, History Channel, Apartheid caused thousands of black Africans to migrate and lose their homes and jobs. Many of the nonwhite Africans also lost families and loved ones because of the acts that were passed. Numerous acts were passed after the "Pass Laws" that limited the economic, political, and educational opportunities for nonwhites. In 1971 the Black Homeland Citizenship Act was passed. The Afrikaner National Government created ten areas in South Africa as Homelands for nonwhites. "The Homelands were distinguished from each other according to the type of African tribe that originally lived there"(A Legacy of Apartheid, American University, american.