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An Overview on HIV


The lack of knowledge on HIV prevention has become a risk factor, therefore increasing transmission rates amongst our population. Using condoms as a contraceptive is highly effective in preventing the transmission of HIV. This virus does not show any symptoms; so a person can be infected and not even know it. This creates a severe issue, if the person infected has unsafe sex, now they've infected another person unknowingly, and it can become a continuous cycle. It is said, "More than 50 percent of new HIV infections occur as a result of the 21 percent of people who have HIV but do not know it" (2012). As a result of an individual being a carrier, they continue to have a regular sexual pattern, and transmit HIV to their sex partner. Getting tested for STD's including HIV is important to prevent the risk of transmission to others, and individuals are able to seek medical alternatives to prevent the virus from progressing. Once acquired there is absolutely no cure for this virus, but there are medications and treatments available that allow people to live with the virus. HIV causes the immune system to weaken overtime, which makes it difficult for the body to fight off illness or infection. People, who die after acquiring this virus, do not die from HIV itself, but from an illness that their body would normally be able to fight off. Since their immune system is so weak, an illness like pneumonia can be deadly to patients infected with HIV.
             Healthy People 2020.
             Healthy people 2020 have an objective to reduce the number of people infected with HIV. Reducing the number of people infected is directly related to using condoms to prevent transmission. Increasing people's knowledge can allow them to make better decisions in their lives in order to reduce the number as well. For example, a person who has a thorough knowledge on the health risk factors of HIV would understand the prevalence of using condoms.

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