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Chicken McNuggets: Everything But Chicken


" (112) He sees how Chicken McNuggets are now becoming part of the American culture, where the consumers believe they are eating chicken even though they are so far from what chicken actually tastes like. Food companies such as McDonald's along with food scientists have gone too far in creating and marketing foods that posed the greatest health concerns. A food scientist work should consist on ensure the safety and quality of the new food product that they develop. However, the food is highly impacting consumers' health for the worse with creations such as unnatural foods. Food has become just an abstract idea. For example, children think that lettuces are just the green leaves they see once in a while in their prepackaged salads. Moreover, most of the children have no idea of what does the head of lettuce looks like or taste. Not to mention, the dressings that are always added to the salads and take over form the real flavors of the lettuce. However, that is also a part of the transformation that food has suffered for consumer's convenience. Consumers are aware of the existence of unhealthy food, but the assumption for unhealthy is that is fattening food no that is food that hides chemicals that are a threat for their health.
             McDonald's lists white boneless chicken as the main component of the Chicken McNugget, which it is also a threat for the human's health. Customers walk into McDonald's restaurants aware that what they are going to eat is not the healthiest food. Still, the expectations are that, if they order a burger, it will be beef in the meat and if they order chicken McNuggets they will get some chicken inside of the nugget. Even though, chicken nuggets are fattening, these treats are still considered a "healthy alternative." So, consumers buy the Chicken McNuggets because they believe that chicken meat is one of the best sources of lean protein. According to Laura Schocker in her article "What's Actually in a Chicken Nugget?" she describes that what has been found in the Chicken McNuggets is far away from being chicken protein.

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