This leads to the belief that success could only be attained through violent means, thanks to how the media portrayed that the use of guns unnecessary. In my opinion, I believe that prevention is always better than the cure. By improving background checks of guns before gun sales, it will lead to solving problems that are mainly the causes of gun violence. .
Another major step to reduce gun violence is banning high capacity magazines. However, some people think that it's ineffective. According to Wright (2012), he claims that the short gap which people take to reload a gun wouldn't change anything because it's too insignificant and that ''what's in their minds not their hands that determines their lethality'' (para 7). It's true that his belief that it doesn't needs any firearms to commit a mass murder, but he's wrong in saying that those few seconds doesn't change anything. Weese (2009) describe the heartbreaking incident that happened two years ago: a nine-year-old girl, Christina Green was shot dead by a murderer. If the gunman was using a smaller capacity magazine, the girl would be alive. By limiting the magazine's capacity, the gunman needs more time to reload and this provides a short but critical moment to take him down. Even though there are people who believe that banning high capacity is unrelated, he argues that hunters shouldn't be bothered with a few seconds of inconvenient if they understand lives could be saved. Besides that, The White House (2013) claims that ammunition magazines should be limited to 10 rounds and calling for a ban on assault weapons (page 5). Assault weapons have made many Americans lose their lives that there were not necessary. So, limiting high capacity magazines might not be the best solution to address gun violence in America, but it seems that it's a first step towards protecting ourselves from guns.
To address gun violence in America, the government needs to focus more on background checks of guns.