What is the effect of the magical realism? 4/5.
I Am Legend is a very ironic novel. An example is how our protagonist, Robert Neville, ends up being hunted by the vampires. During the time of the vampire takeover, he spends his days killing the already dead. What he doesn't understand is an intelligent group is already hunting for him. With only a short notice, the rolls are flipped for Neville from being the hunter to the hunted. Another example is how Robert doesn't initially believe in vampires, but ends as the only one surrounded. This is ironic because the one skeptical human is the one who ends up alone with this unknown force. Another example is that in the end everyone else looks at him like he is the monster. Since the superior force is now the living dead, a mere human is looked down upon. On Earth, humans are the stereotypical superiority, but ever since the plague, the vampires have taken that title with them. The author explains ". And suddenly he thought, I'm the abnormal one now. Normalcy was a majority concept, the standard of many and not the standard of just one man" (p. 95). Irony in this novel shows how the roles of a human are now completely changed now that he or she is amongst a different superior form. Good analysis. Are there any more examples? 4/5.
There are many important symbols in I Am Legend. One example is Ben Cortman. Ben, although normally hated, symbolises survival. When the living vampires come for Neville and kill Cortman, it foreshadows Neville's death soon after. Richard Matheson paints the image of Cortman's death by writing ". the hammering machine gun splattered Cortman's flesh with lead. "Ben," Neville muttered in a croaking whisper" (160). Another example of symbolism is the crosses. These are associated with religion, which are despised by the types of vampires in this novel. The crosses repel the vampires, which is why Neville hangs many along his property.