Additionally, mastery in one domain can't be generalized to others. For example, even if a child has mastered motor skills, he may not have comparable mastery in emotional or social domains. Perry (2000) describes a developmental hot zone, where a child can grasp new skills, concepts, ands behaviors. Children should be encouraged to leave their comfort zone and take on new challenges. If a child never leaves his comfort zone and moves into his hot zone, where the child is challenged, the child will never learn. .
Pong, Hao, and Gardner (2005) describe four types of parenting styles based on demandingness and responsiveness. The authoritarian style is high on demandingness and low on responsiveness. It manifests in high parental control and supervision, with stress on obedience and respect for authority. Permissive parenting is low on demandingness and high on responsiveness. Parents who are permissive are very accepting of their children, making few demands for mature behavior, and allowing their children substantial self-regulation. Authoritative parenting is high on both demandingness and responsiveness. Parents who are authoritative set clear standards for mature behavior for their children. They firmly enforce rules and standards, while encouraging their children to be independent and to have open communication with parents. Neglectful parenting is low on both demandingness and responsiveness. Parents who are neglectful are unengaged, highly coercive, nondirective, and do not monitor their children's activities. Previous research has found that authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful parenting was negatively associated with school grades and school engagement, whereas the association for authoritative parenting is positive. .
According to Jack Shonkoff (2009) the most effective early childhood programs clearly make a difference, but there is considerable room for improvement and a compelling need for innovation.