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A Comparison Between Mythology and a Western Film


In the movie, Princess Leia can be seen as the damsel in distress. In many mythological stories, there is a maiden in need of rescuing. Star Wars is one of those stories. However, even though there is a princess who needs rescuing, Leia is no passive damsel in distress. During the course of the story, she will follow her own path toward becoming a heroine. .
             Martin M. Wrinkler also explains how, "the journey frequently represents a young hero's initiation into manhood and maturity or an older hero's pursuit of perfection. The hero goes on an inward search for himself, for his nature, and for his destiny" (10). "The hero embarked on a journey or quest undergoes, in his interaction with nature, society, and with himself, a process of learning and increasing self -awareness. He abandons his faults and ultimately reaches an ideal state of purity, valor, and goodness" (10). Luke, by chance purchased two droids: R2-D2 and C-3PO. This measly decision ultimately effects the rest of his life. Because he bought R2-D2, he received a messaged from Princess Leia requesting for help. This led Luke to receive training in the ways of the Force from the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He then meets Han Solo and Chewbacca who help him travel from place to place and who help him destroy the first Death Star. This first mission helped the farm boy, Luke Skywalker, to realize what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He decided he wanted to follow in his fallen father's footsteps and travel the path of the Jedi Knight. Luke grew as a person due to the many battles he fought in. .
             In addition, one of the most influential characters in Star Wars would have to be Yoda. He is the Jedi Master who taught Luke a lot of the skills he needed to defeat the Death Stars. Luke fought in the Battle of Endor, which successfully helped turn his father back to the light. This was a rather important moment for Luke.

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