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Creating Capabilities by Martha Nussbaum


com). An article from an online publication (thepublicdiscourse.com) is also used for the sake of argumentative purposes. A blog page (igfculturewatch.com) is also used for statistics on the growth of same-sex couples within the last years.
             Although primarily focused on the inequality of women relating to their career as well as their educational and political status, one issue Nussbaum mentions concerning gender currently at the height of universal controversy has been the matter of civil unions, or in other words, same sex marriage. Nussbaum states that "discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation expresses stigma and reinforces a view that some people are not fully equal" (Kindle Location 1530). She then proceeds to take into account laws against miscegenation-the interbreeding between two different people of two different racial groups-that were active some time ago, although not mentioned exactly when. Nussbaum continues stating that the U.S. Supreme Court eventually abolished the law, knowing "that such laws convey a message of stigma and inferiority" (Kindle Location 1534), however laws against same sex marriage still exist in some states in the South such as Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri. Nussbaum makes it a point here that these laws against same sex marriage also in fact convey a sense of stigma and inferiority unto those of which who are homosexual. .
             Considering the list of capabilities written by Nussbaum, it can be inferred that the list is not only restricted to the application of one gender, but both. This is supported in a dissertation analyzing women's rights written by Laila Ashaq where she states, "An important feature of Nussbaum's approach is that she is presenting a route in which women can be elevated to an equal status that is the same as men's" (Ashaq, p. 44). Here, Nussbaum makes it evident that both genders are capable of reaching full potential in all areas within her capabilities approach, meaning we all are either already individually equal, or are yet to be so because we can all be able to achieve each of these ten things.

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