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Encomium/Invective - Inclement Weather Policies


Since the school provides the dates of the tests ahead of time, it gives the students the knowledge to be able to make plans to when they can leave home for vacation. For example, I interviewed one of the girls in my halls that I knew lived in El Paso and I asked her about how the sudden postponement of the tests affected her and this was her response. "It was honestly an inconvenience for me because I had already bought my bus tickets and they were non-refundable. I had to spend twice the money on my trip back home and that was something that my parents did not like." There are more students that are a further distance away who had to cancel bus, plane tickets because they could not leave since they had not taken their finals yet. .
             Not only did the administration fall short in accommodating these needs, but also failed to provide with reasonable options of what could be done in order for finals to remain on schedule. For example they could have encouraged the teachers to post the tests online or other things like that rather than trying to reschedule the tests and having them interfere with other testing schedules. The school needed to be certain that it could not stay open or else they would lose money. It is why that the alerts were sent around 6am, giving the students an uncertainty on whether they were going to test the following day or not. Overall the confusion that was caused was big since it left students not knowing what test to study for since they dates kept switching up which each day the university would close.
             Encomium .
             The University of North Texas tries to accommodate students to the best of its abilities when it comes to dealing with unforeseen challenges, such as inclement weather. It has various ways to get the latest updates to students such as popular social networks and the school's very own eagle alert. With more than 30,000 students, it is no doubt that the University has to think of the best way to accommodate the majority of the students and thinking of the circumstances of life.

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