The internet is opening up the possibility of education to people who don't have the resources in their everyday lives for formal education. The internet, and by extension technology, are revolutionising the concept of education and allowing so many people access to resources that they would otherwise never have at their disposal.
The internet also provides a space to find people with similar interests to you. Think Dumbledore is actually just a time travelling Ron Weasley? Congrats, there are a surprising number of people on the internet who passionately believe the exact same thing. Want to talk about the ending of your favourite book series, but your friends haven't read it yet? Chances are, there's already a fully-fledged community of people somewhere in the vast depths of the internet who are just as eager to talk about it as you are. There's also a space for people who just aren't able to talk about their problems outside of the internet for fear of being hurt by somebody or rejected by loved ones. There is a huge transgender presence on the internet, because that's the only place where many trans people feel safe enough to ask questions about gender identity and talk about their everyday problems. Knowing that people feel the same way that you do about your favourite tv show is really great, but for many the internet plays a far larger role than that – it's the only place that some people can talk about their everyday struggles without fear of being literally assaulted or attacked.
One of the common complaints about technology is that we prefer scrolling through facebook or taking selfies to talking with our family and friends. I find this a little ridiculous to be perfectly honest, as isn't technology quite literally our main means of talking to far-off family members and friends? Skype enables me to have a real conversation with my auntie in Australia. Facebook is the perfect platform to talk to my primary school friend that moved to England two years ago.