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Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention


A product with a high level of brand awareness will receive higher consumer preferences because it has higher market share and quality evaluation (Dodds et al., 1991; Grewal et al., 1998).
             Perceived Quality.
             Perceived quality is a result of consumers' subjective judgment on a product (Zeithaml, 1988; Dodds et al., 1991; Aaker, 1991). Bhuian (1997) also consider perceived quality is a judgment on the consistency of product specification or an evaluation on added value of a product. Garvin (1983) proposes that perceived quality is defined on the basis of users' recognition while objective quality is defined on the basis of product or manufacturing orientation. The differences between objective quality and perceived quality lie in that objective quality has a pre-design standard to a product, and perceived quality is influenced by internal and external product attributes which is an evaluation basis for consumers (Olshavsky, 1985; Zeithaml, 1988). Kan (2002) points out that objective quality is that consumers will use their experience and knowledge to evaluate overall product benefit, function, durability, technology and reliability when consumers purchase a product. Perceived quality is a consumer judgment on the accumulative product benefits and a subjective feeling on product quality (Zeithaml, 1988; Dodds et al., 1991). Aaker (1991) argues that perceived quality could show the salient differentiation of a product or a service and becomes a selective brand in consumers' mind.
             The reason why perceived quality is different to real quality is because (a) a previous bad image of a product will influence consumers' judgment on product quality in the future. .
             Moreover, even the product quality has been changed, consumers will not trust that product because of their unpleasant experience in previous (Aaker, 1996), manufacturers and consumers have different views on the judgment of the quality dimensions (Morgan, 1985; Aaker, 1996), consumers seldom hold enough information to evaluate a product objectively.

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