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Eating Disorder Research Paper


The person loses control over eating, and does nothing to try and offset the calorie consumption ("E.D Symptoms"). They often feel guilt, shame, and distress, which can lead to more binge eating. People who struggle with this disorder are usually over-weight or obese ("E.D. National Institute). Aside from the main eating disorders, there is also a category called EDNOS. That stands for "Eating disorders not otherwise specified." This category is for the people that don't specifically have one of the 3 previous disorders. Perhaps they do not meet the criteria for the others, or they may have a combination of them ("E.D. Symptoms").
             There is no specific thing that is the cause of an eating disorder. Maybe the person just wants to feel something. If the person is depressed and they want to control the pain, they may starve themselves. They may feel numb and lifeless and they want to punish themselves. People may think that in order to be happy and successful, you have to be skinny, so that is what they strive for. Sometimes the person wants people to like them or they want attention, and that could be a cause too (Thompson).
             There could be other problems in the person's life, which could have caused someone's eating disorder. A person might be depressed or self-harm and that can cause them. They can also have an addiction to eating or exercising, or even OCD for counting calories. Some people are emotionally, physically, or mentally abused which may also cause a mental disorder. Someone could have anxiety and become withdrawn from people and become more focused on food weight (Thompson). People participating in events that focus on weight, appearance and lean body mass have a higher risk for an eating disorder, such as ballet, modeling, gymnastics, acting, figure skating, running, or diving ("E.D. Symptoms"). Someone's family may even be the source of their eating disorder.

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