Therefore, institutions can respond to people-of-color and whites differently. Institutional behavior can often harm people of color. Traditionally, society does not consider a person racist for manifesting a culturally superior attitude about his or her language, religion, morality, manners or some other aspect of ethnicity. Such individuals are most often considered good citizens, proud of their family, community and heritage. Yet at this day in age, our society is frequently labeling these individuals racist because of the institutional characteristic of racism. Our primary focus now should be to eliminate institutional racism.
The term, Orthodox racism is defined as any theory or belief that a person's inherited physical characteristics, such as skin color, hair texture or facial features, determine human intellectual capacity and personality traits. In contemporary society, race is a social and political term, with no biological significance. Even the definition of race differs from society to society. Racist individuals are able change with time and circumstance. On average their children are more tolerant and less rash as well. However this is not the case with racism within institutions. Institutionalized racism exists within organizations and is far more difficult to sort out and make known. Members of affected organizations redefine racism's manifestations as other issues. For example, our criminal justice system controls a disproportionately large number of black males. In many ways these institutions manifest of racism. Many of these men, because of their surroundings and experiences that they were limited to helped shape the type of life that they would lead. They didn"t have very many choices and/or examples to follow.
Many argue that in the workplace, institutional racism some jobs tend to exclude certain racial groups, therefore not making it possible for them to be promoted as everyone else is.