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My Stand on Abortion


1) Intended abortion includes any possible way that someone might take to kill the fetus. 2) Unintended abortion includes miscarriages and any other medical problems that the mother might have, that won't allow the baby to born. In a biological concept the womb is a new organism that has at the same time the same characteristics as any other human living, but who needs more time, and help to accomplish all the rights offered. In an ethical manner, the womb is a human pre-being, and no one should be able to decide for his/her life. If judged in the legal aspect, abortion has always been, and still is a problem. That is exactly the reason why a judge would always be asked, to answer the question: Until when the womb is allowed to be aborted? There are few countries that have decided to approve abortion. In Austria, abortion is possible until the first three months of the creation of the baby. In Italy is only 90 days, Germany from 1995 gives only 3 months too, but with the only difference, that the woman should check-in with the doctor before going through abortion. Ireland is the only place that would have the worst rules about abortion. In this state abortion is definitely not allowed, unless the woman is in danger of her own life. .
             However abortion it's definitely wrong, because there are always other solutions that are also safer to practice rather than abortion. Furthermore abortion is wrong, because it can harm the mother as well. Abortion highly risks the mother physical health and her mental health at the same time. The psychiatrist and member of the Right to Life Committee, Carmen Gómez-Lavin, states that: "Sixty five percent of women who abort, suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome after undergoing the procedure." Abortion can also result into not being able to get pregnant in the future, many sicknesses and even death. Abortion affects not only the unborn baby but also the mother in dangerous ways and sometimes fatal even for the mother if the abortion happens in illegal medical centers.

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