Which lead to much fear and outcry in Paris. I would personally agree with Salman Rushdie's speech whereby he stated that "Freedom is indivisible". In the case of the Charlie Hebdos depictions of the prophet Muhammad I fully accept is very offensive to many Muslims and to insult or mock someone's beliefs can be seen as very immoral. I agree with both of these statements on a personal level. However this then begs the question is there a certain amount of responsibility that comes with freedom of speech? As Rushdie stated freedom of speech can only be absolute therefor I believe the only responsibility in freedom of speech is to counter argue false notions made by people using their freedom of speech and not to exempt certain aspects of society from the criticisms, harshness or mockery that comes with freedom of speech. As someone may publish racist, bigoted, sexist, Hobe phobic or just plain false statements and try pawn them off as facts, to members of the public using the freedom of speech. It is important not to silence these people by force even though the words they use and the views they expose may incite hatred, lead people to violent acts, upset people etc. This is due to the fact that the responsibility in freedom of speech is to use freedom of speech to counter argue and expose the untruth and untold half-truths is these false or immoral claims and views made by these people. The responsibility isn't to ban certain things from being said or published but to address them and unravel the truth in them. As Maajid Nawaz the chairman and the co-founder of the counter extremist think tank Quilliam stated on BBCs Question Time "You've got the right to speak you've got the right to say what you want to say but I have the right to challenge those views" I identify here he has really hit the mark in what freedom of speech means and how it needs to work. There is no point in prohibiting people to say things that may be deeply hurtful or completely false but rather how you deal with this is to rebuttal the abuses in free speech and that is the responsibility in freedom of speech in my opinion.